The Fantastic Playgrounds of Spain: Plaza de Santa Barbara (Madrid)

As the weather improves, time to review my favorite playgrounds in Madrid. 

I call the Plaza de Santa Bárbara the Playground District because there are multiple playgrounds for different age groups. I counted at least four, catering to all age ranges from toddler (fenced in) to elderly exercise zone (Don Loco's favorite--what can i say, he's an old soul). They have a climbing area for older kids. The Plaza offers a lot of restaurants, including a 100 Montaditos right next to the playground area and a Manolo Bakes across the street.

Logistics: Alonso Martínez metro stop is literally inside the plaza. HOWEVER the Alonso Martínez metro stop does not have any elevators (as of January 2023) so it's a total slog up the escalator with your kid and stroller. The Bilbao metro has great elevators but it's a bit of a walk. Colón is another close metro stop but it's uphill.

Notes: Calle de la Hortaleza is close by and a major throughfare. Cars travel quickly so watch your kids in this plaza.

Plaza de Santa Bárbara tot lot


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