The Fantastic Playgrounds of Spain: Plaza de Oriente

This playground, located in Plaza de Oriente near the Palacio Real, is large. The equipment features a tube kids can climb through (a Don Loco favorite) and is covered in sand. There's also an unfenced sandy area next to the playground that is suitable for playing soccer, complete with a brick wall to work on your kicking-the-ball-against-the-wall skills.* On the weekends, a little refreshment truck is set up right next to the playground for all of your last-minute Gusanito and Chupa-chup needs.

Logistics: Facing the Palacio Real, this playground is tucked into a corner on the left. Ă“pere metro stop is the closest, although if the elevator is out, the stairs are a bear with a stroller. Be advised.

 Notes: It's sandier than a beach.

*or whatever you call that...I'm not an athlete.


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