Eight Fun (?) Indoor Activities for Preschoolers in Madrid

Indoor Kid Activities, Madrid

Making a list so we can take advantage of every second, instead of trotting off to Tierra Burrito and watching Don Loco build a nacho tower before ambling over to Starbucks and a playground.*

1. Matadero and the Madrid Rio playground

Where: legazpi metro**
Cost: free
Notes: Indoor and outdoor space, it was like a hipster daycare center. seems suited to small kids as well.

2. Madrid Planetarium

Where: Méndez Álvaro metro, kind of out there
Cost: 3.60 for adults, free under 6
Notes: 11 am show for small kids, afternoon is when most shows take place
Update: My review of the Madrid Planetarium for preschoolers

3. Prado

Where: is this even a question
Cost: expensivo...only during free hours because I am not sure how/whether Don Loco is up for an art museum
Notes: free hours M-Sa 6-8 pm, Sundays/holidays 5-7pm.

4. Conde Duque Cultural Center

where: Ventura Rodríguez Metro
Cost: free or 2 euros
Notes: they have a "Ludoteca" building workshop for 0-6 year olds
My review of the Conde Duque Cultural Center

5. Zoo de Madrid

where: Casa de Campo metro although it seems easier to cab it
Cost: 25.50 for adults, 20.50 for kids 3 and up
Notes: sort of hard to get to, I have mixed feelings about zoos (a prison for animals! or a sanctuary from predators?), it is a bit pricey, maybe a better activity when Don Loco is older

6. Madrid Train Museum
where: Delicias Metro
cost: 6 euros, 4 euros for kids 4+
when: De octubre a mayo:Lunes a viernes, de 09:30 a 15:00 horas
Sábados y festivos, de 10:00 a 19:00 horas.
Domingo, de 10:00 a 15:00 horas..
Notes: I think it's some kind of law that every spanish tv show has to film here, because it's where they store all the old trains. As I recall from a trip from years and years back, it's literally a bunch of old trains parked on tracks inside an old train station that you can climb into.  Considering how much Don Loco loooooves walking*** up and down the aisle of moving trains, this might be a hit
Update: My review of the Madrid Train Museum for preschoolers

where: either Nuevos Ministerios or Gregorio Marañon but it's super up hill either way. slight advantage to nuevos ministerios though
cost: 7 euros adults, 3,5 kids over 4 years old
Notes: not sure if this is very interactive, but dinosaur skeletons might be a hit. My review
where: Embajadores metro
cost: free
Notes: Another delightful casa cultural. So much kid programming!

*Not that I’m not going to do that, too.

**I will try to resist the urge to say LE-GASP when the metro announces the stop

Any suggestions of great places to take preschoolers in Madrid? Bonus points if it's very active and indoors.

The Metro of Madrid: First Stop on the Journey to Adventure


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